Freeze/Unfreeze Row Headers

What is Freeze/Unfreeze row headers?

If you have a horizontal scroll in your table, you can freeze the header rows so they stay in place as you scroll across.

As you widen the table rows across the top it will also give your table a horizontal scroll.

How do I Freeze the row header?

Right-click on the table to expand the options, and click 'Freez' row headers'. This will keep the row headers frozen when you scroll. In the example below the row headers for Customer Name are frozen so as you scroll across they will stay visible

How do I unfreeze the row headers?

Right-click on your table to get the further options again, you will now see unfreeze row headers. Click unfreeze and the row headers will disappear as you scroll across the table.

In the example below the row headers for Customer Name are unfrozen so as you scroll across they will disappear.

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