Report Security Roles

What are Report Security Roles?

Report Security Roles are a form of data governance that enables administrators to restrict the visibility of certain data selections for specific users.

For example, you could limit a sales person to only see their customers, whilst allowing a manager to be able to view all customers.

This helps ensure that only the right people have access to the right data within a report.

Can all reports have Report Security Roles?

Yes, but whilst all reports can have Report Security Roles created this feature needs to be set up by Sontai specifically for your reports.

If you would like to have Report Security activated on your reports, please contact us.

How do I assign a Report Security Role to a user?

Only an Admin or User Manager can assign the level of access to each report.

Once you have logged into the Sontai platform, from the side menu open up Report Management, from here open the second tab Manage Reports and this will bring up the menu table. Under Actions on Report Level Security click 'Security'.

You will see a list of users, their role and the Actions tab. Click 'Edit' under the actions tab to assign a role or to remove access to a role. Click 'Update Roles' to confirm the changes.

You must assign a role to each report that has Report Security Roles for each user.

If a user hasn't been assigned a role they will receive a security alert and will not be able to view any data.

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