Upload History

What is Upload History?

You can easily keep track of all the documents you've uploaded by visiting the 'Upload History' section. You'll be able to view the latest activity and status of your uploaded files. You can also access previously uploaded documents and delete any files that haven't been processed.

On the menu table you will see the following;

  • File name- the name of your uploaded file
  • Status-unprocessed means it has yet to be processed by Sontai. Processed means your file has been processed and your data has been updated
  • Updated At- time the file was processed by Sontai
  • Created At- the time the file was uploaded to the Sontai platform
  • Actions- download or delete your file

Your file status will show as Unprocessed until the file is run overnight. During this time it can be deleted, however once the status has changed to Processed it cannot be deleted.

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